60 Second Reflections

    The Ultimate Sacrifice

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    Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Stephen, the first martyr. In the first reading from Acts of the Apostles, we see the story of Stephen’s martyrdom. And in...

    Christmas is Here!

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    Christmas is here! Christmas is here! I can remember waking up VERY early on Christmas mornings when I was a kid and yelling that out to my brothers and sisters....

    The Canticle of Zechariah

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    Blessed Christmas Eve! Today's Gospel reading from Luke 1 is the canticle of Zechariah. I can't do better than that, so let's reflect today on his words.  “Blessed be the...

    He Spoke Blessing God

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    Today in the liturgy, the day before Christmas Eve, we concentrate on the birth of John the Baptist. In the first reading we see the prophecy from Malachi 3: “Lo,...

    Blessed is the Fruit of Your Womb

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    As the Christmas story continues to unfold in the liturgy, today's Gospel reading is the story of the visitation, when Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth's greeting to Mary is...

    An Intimate Relationship

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    In the first reading today from Zephaniah 3, we read, "The King of Israel, the LORD, is in your midst, you have no further misfortune to fear. The LORD, your...

    Love is with Us

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    In today’s first reading from Isaiah 7, we see the prophecy that is at the heart of Christianity. “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you this sign: the virgin shall...


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    Today the Church gives us two stories of men whose births were announced by an angel, Samson and John the Baptist. There are many similarities between the two, as the...

    A Righteous Man

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    Today in the first reading from Jeremiah 23, the Lord says, “Behold, the days are coming when I will raise up a righteous shoot to David; as king he shall...

    You Can Pick Your Friends...

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    Well, it is one week before Christmas Eve! Are you feeling it yet? Beginning today, the liturgy begins to unfold the story of Christmas. In the first reading today from...

    Our Guiding Star

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    In today's Gospel reading from Matthew 21, Jesus' authority is questioned. He makes a deal with His interlocutors, but they cannot fulfill the deal. Read how it all goes down....

    Filled with Expectation

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    In today's Gospel reading from Luke 3, the people come to ask John the Baptist questions. They weren't quite sure who he was. They "were asking in their hearts whether...

    God of the Unexpected

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    In the first reading today from Sirach 48, we see a synopsis of the life and times of Elijah. The people were awaiting his return. In the Gospel reading from...

    The Way of Wisdom

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    In the first reading today from Isaiah 48, God says, “I, the LORD, your God, teach you what is for your good, and lead you on the way you should...

    A Message from Mom

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    Today the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. When the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to Juan Diego on a hill in Tepeyac, Mexico, in December of 1531,...

    Eagles and Chickens and Turkeys

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    We’re back in Isaiah for our first reading today. The final verse in today’s reading is Isaiah 40:31. I’ll talk about it in a moment. Our Gospel passage today is...

    Cry Out!

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    In today’s Gospel reading from Matthew 18, Jesus talks about a man who has a hundred sheep and one goes astray. He leaves the ninety-nine behind to go in search...

    The Immaculate Conception

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    Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. It is a Holy Day of obligation. Let’s talk briefly today about what the Immaculate Conception is, and isn’t. Probably the most common...

    A Tough Gig

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    Today is the Second Sunday of Advent. In the Gospel reading from Luke 3, we read about the ministry of John the Baptist. He is the one about whom the...

    Walking Through a Mine Field

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    On the border of Israel and Syria, there are mine fields. They're clearly marked with a sign featuring a skull and crossbones. They let you know that you do not...

    On Waiting

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    Patience is not one of my greatest virtues. Perhaps you can relate. That's why Psalm 27 is one of my favorites. It's perfect for today's liturgy. In the first reading...

    Like a Rock?

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    Do you remember the old Bob Seger tune, Like a Rock? It was used in a Chevy commercial for many years. I suspect that was a pretty successful campaign. Why...

    Being Fed

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    Life brings sorrows. With sorrows come tears. But it won’t always be that way. We see that in the first reading today from Isaiah 25. “The LORD GOD will wipe...

    Childlike or Childish?

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    Today’s first reading from Isaiah 11 starts with what should be a familiar prophesy. “On that day, a shoot shall sprout from the stump of Jesse…” Jesse was King David’s...

    Swords into Plowshares

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    In the first reading today from Isaiah 2, we read about what things will be like when the Kingdom of God comes into its fullness. “They shall beat their swords...

    Drowsy Hearts

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    Happy New Year! No, it's not January 1, but the Church begins its new year today, the First Sunday of Advent. In the Gospel reading from Luke 21, Jesus says,...

    Beautiful Feet

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    Today the Church celebrates the Feast of St. Andrew. Andrew was the brother of Simon Peter, whom he introduced to Jesus. Tradition says he died on an "X" shaped cross...

    The Book of Life

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    In today's first reading from Revelation 29, St. John sees the judgment of souls. "All the dead were judged according to their deeds." It then says, "Anyone whose name was...

    Being Catholic is All About Thanksgiving

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    Today is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. Happy Thanksgiving! I have a link to today’s readings at the bottom of today’s post. But rather than comment on the readings, I...

    Wisdom in Speaking

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    Christianity has to be from God. Why do I say this? Because Jesus told His disciples again and again what they were in for. “They will seize and persecute you,...

    The End Times

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    In today's Gospel reading from Luke 21, Jesus is talking about the end times and what signs there will be that the end is near. “Nation will rise against nation,...

    Generosity and Trust

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    In today’s first reading from Revelation 14, we see once again the figure of the Lamb. He has with him a hundred and forty-four thousand who have his name and...

    Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

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    Today the Church celebrates the end of the liturgical year. Fittingly enough, it is the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, or more commonly referred to...

    Dead or Alive?

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    In the Gospel reading today from Luke 20, some Sadducees ask Jesus a trick question regarding the resurrection of the dead. (The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection of...

    Our Sweet and Sour Journey

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    In the Gospel reading today from Luke 19, we see Jesus cleansing the temple area of those who are selling things. He says, “It is written, My house shall be...

    If You Only Knew

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    As Catholics, we believe the saints in heaven intercede for us. We see an image of this in today's first reading from Revelation 5. "Each of the elders held a...

    Following the Master's Orders

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    We see more of the scenes of heaven in our first reading today from Revelation 4. In the Gospel reading from Luke 19, Jesus tells a parable about a nobleman...

    The Danger of Being Lukewarm

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    Our Gospel reading today is the story of Zacchaeus from Luke 19. It is a great story of repentance and redemption. In the first reading today from Revelation 3, we...

    Lost Love

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    In the first reading today, we begin reading from the Book of Revelation. This can be one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted books in the Bible. Nothing a bit...

    His Words Will Not Pass Away

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    In today’s Gospel reading from Mark 13, Jesus says, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” And so it has been. Seasons come and go....

    Lessons from the Unjust Judge

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    In today's Gospel reading from Luke 18, Jesus tells a parable about an unjust judge. A widow comes to him seeking a judgment, but he refuses. The widow, however, kept...

    "Progressives" in the Bible?

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    Is the Bible "political"? I suppose that depends on one's definition of the word and point of view. Perhaps the definition of a particular word in today's first reading from...

    In Pursuit of...What?

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    In today's Gospel reading from Luke 17, Jesus talks about the coming of the Kingdom of God and the return of the Son of Man. He says, "The days will...

    The Other Good Samaritan

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    Faith in Christ requires change. For many of us, that means a lot of change. St. Paul alludes to this in the first reading from Titus 3. “For we ourselves...

    A How-To on How to Live

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    In today’s first reading from Titus 2, St. Paul has advice for everyone – older men, older women, younger women and younger men. Yep! I think that covers us all!...

    Avoid the Millstone

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    In today’s first reading from Titus 1, St. Paul talks about the attributes of a bishop. “Blameless, not arrogant, not irritable, not a drunkard, not aggressive, not greedy for sordid...

    Trusting in God's Provision

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    In the first reading today from 1 Kings 17, we see a story of Elijah and a widow. Then in the Gospel reading, Jesus commends a widow for her donation.  At...

    The Lateran Basilica and The Temple

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    Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica. the Lateran Basilica was erected by Constantine. It is known as the mother church of Christendom. We...

    Our True Citizenship

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    Today's first reading from Philippians 3 is so appropriate for Americans, given our recent election. St. Paul starts out by talking about people who "conduct themselves as enemies of the...

    Rejoicing on Our Return

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    As Christians, we know that our confidence can be found in God alone. When we have confidence in our flesh, we are in big trouble. Because the flesh will always...

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