60 Second Reflections » Blog Entries
Breaking the Tie for Catholic Voters
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I, like the vast majority of Americans, have grown weary of politics. It seems that the political discourse in America has become much more harsh and much less civil of late. I suppose that if I am honest with myself, I have fallen prey to this phenomenon. This most recent presidential election has been the […]
Messages from Priests About HHS Mandate
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Below are three videos that I played on Seize the Day. They are from priests with powerful messages on the Obama administration’s HHS mandate requiring Catholic institutions to purchase contraception, abortifacient drugs and sterilizations for all women for whom they provide health insurance. As I have stated numerous times, this is an affront on the […]
Test of Fire: Election 2012 (Official HD Version – Catholic)
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Some things are more important than high gas prices or a faltering economy. They are life, marriage and freedom. Will you vote the values that will stand the test of fire? Produced by: http://www.creative-lab.com
A Minute in the Church Video
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Do Catholics worship statues? Are Catholics breaking a commandment by having statues in their churches? Watch the video below to find out how to answer those questions!
A Public Apology
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On Wednesday, March 14, a man who called himself Tommy called in to Seize the Day. Tommy was belligerent from the outset, and claimed that he had decided to leave the Catholic Church, and that his leaving was my fault. This all came about after I had read the text of an ad that was […]
The Angel Effort
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This year for Lent, I propose what I call the Angel Effort. Each day during Lent, I want to do something positive. You may think of them as “random acts of kindness.” Only they won’t be random. They will be planned and thought out. So I’m looking for suggestions for simple little things that we […]
Showing items 1-6 of 6.