The first reading today from Hebrews 8 talks about covenant. Jesus came to earth to usher in the New Covenant. A covenant is an exchange of persons. It requires total self-donation. As Christ died for us (total self-donation), are we willing to totally donate ourselves to Him?
In the Gospel reading from Mark 3, we see Jesus naming the Twelve. (Note the capital “T”). These were the Apostles. They were significant not only in Christ’s time, but until the end of time. These are the men that Jesus tasked with leading the Church and spreading the faith. Their office did not end upon their death.
In the Book of Acts, we see that after Judas’ suicide, the other Apostles knew that his office had to be filled. So they chose a successor for him. This line of succession, for all of the Apostles, exists to this day. It is the bishops of the Catholic Church. As successors to the Apostles, they continue to lead and guide the Church, and spread the faith to all corners of the world.
Father, watch over our bishops. Help to be good shepherds, bold leaders and sure guides for the faithful. Amen.
Today is the Feast of St. Francis de Sales, a Doctor of the Church. If you've never read it, I highly recommend Introduction to the Devout Life. St. Francis de Sales, pray for us.