Tomorrow May Be Too Late

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Today’s Gospel story is from Mark 1, about a leper that comes to Jesus seeking to be healed. Jesus heals him and tells him not to tell anyone. The guy didn’t listen. Today’s first reading from Hebrews 3 is one that is very close to my heart. It contains a passage that means so much to me. Here it is:

Encourage yourselves daily while it is still “today,” so that none of you may grow hardened by the deceit of sin. – Hebrews 3:13

This is a passage that I use in my book, Magnetic Christianity. I identify Encouragement as the final attribute of the Magnetic Christian. We must be a people of encouragement. In Magnetic Christianity, I talk about three different styles of encouragement – The Challenge, The Cheer and The Soft Touch. I hope you’ll consider getting a copy. I know you’ll get a lot out of it.

In Hebrews 3:13, the sacred author wants to make sure that we don’t miss out on any opportunity to encourage our brothers and sisters. We must do it while it is still “today.” Why? Because tomorrow may be too late; we are not guaranteed tomorrow, nor are those we love. Let me put it like this: If you knew that today was your last day on earth, what would you do? Wouldn’t you want to tell all the people you love how much you love them? And encourage them to fully live out God’s great plan for their lives? Well then…what are you waiting for?

Father, help us to seek out opportunities to encourage one another. As you bless us, let us bless a brother or sister today. Amen.

Today's Readings

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