Good Advice from Cana

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Do you know what the first sign was that Jesus gave to the world? It was, as told in John’s Gospel, changing water into wine. It happens at a wedding feast at Cana. This story is the Gospel reading in today’s Mass from John 3.

The wedding party runs out of wine. Jesus’ mother, Mary, is concerned. In the few words that we hear Mary utter in this passage, I think we can get a glimpse of her heart. She was concerned for the couple, for the family, for all those who were celebrating this joyous event. Her words to the servers are ones that resound in my heart, as they should in all hearts. “Do whatever He tells you.”

These words take it as a given that we are listening to Jesus. How, after all, can we do what He tells us if we do not hear Him telling us? Consider the source of the words. Mary knew that Jesus would only speak the truth. That He would only speak words that would carry out God’s plan in the lives of His hearers. After all, she was the first to say yes to Jesus. Do whatever He tells you. Good advice on that day in Cana. Good advice today.

Father, give us ears to listen to Jesus. And give us the grace to do whatever He tells us. Amen.

Today's Readings

1 comment

  • Sue Smith: January 21, 2025

    Love this scriptural reference and the story of the Wedding in Cana from John 2:1-12 (Chapter 3 is actually one of the most important too!) We need to be sure we are looking and studying the scripture in context which is more about Jesus than Mary.

    Gus, what are your thoughts about Chapter 2, Verse 4 when He says, “ Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” It is also very interesting to compare with Mark 3:31-36. “Who are my mother and my brothers? For whoever does the will of God, he is my brother and sister and mother.”

    As I Catholic for 50 years, I started opening my Bible 6 years ago and was blown away with how much more is in there and what we can learn in context. Mark also talks a lot about Believers Baptism by Immersion which we never learned as Catholics. It gets really confusing when raised not studying the Bible and only learning the Catholic Doctrine and interpretation. Have a blessed day!

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