In today's Gospel reading from Luke 1 and 4, we see the beginning of Jesus public ministry in Nazareth.
Jesus in the synagogue reads a passage from Isaiah and says to those in attendance, "Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing." Those hearing this were astonished, and some thought Him mad. But of course, it was true.
Jesus is the fulfillment of the Old Testament messianic prophecies. When you go back and study these prophecies, and then compare them with the life of Jesus, you will find them to be perfectly fulfilled. As you follow along with the readings from the liturgy, keep your ears open to these and you, like those in they synagogue in Nazareth, will be astonished.
Father, we thank you for sending you Son to fulfill the prophecies and bring salvation to the human race. Amen.
When I try to get the daily video reflection of the readings it asks me to sign in. Some days it does and other days it doesn’t. What do I need to do to hear those reflections everyday. Thank you
Your reflections are always the ways I start my day.