In today’s first reading from Hebrews 12, the Sacred Author tells us “we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses.” A wonderful reminder that we are never alone. The angels and saints are constantly interceding for us. Take comfort in that, my friend! In the Gospel reading today from Mark 5, we see two healings coming from Jesus – one intentional, the other, not so much…at first, anyway.
Jesus is on his way to the home of Jairus, a synagogue official whose daughter was deathly ill. He asked Jesus to come and heal her. Such faith! While on the way, a woman anonymously approaches Jesus, knowing that if she just touched the hem of his garment, she would be healed. So she did. And she was. And Jesus commended her for her faith. Then Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house and brought his daughter back from the dead.
Usually when we read these stories, we are amazed. Not at the healing power of Jesus, but at the faith of these two characters, Jairus and the woman with the hemorrhage. But shouldn’t this kind of faith be the rule, rather than the exception? Shouldn’t we all have that same faith? Yet too often, we doubt. We come to Jesus timidly, questioning not so much Jesus, but perhaps ourselves. Why should Jesus heal me? After all, I’m not worthy. If Jesus only healed those who were worthy, we would have one sick planet. Jesus wants to heal you because He loves you, because He created you.
Father, give us the faith of Jairus and the woman with the hemorrhage. Teach us to boldly approach Jesus, asking for our healing in faith. Amen.
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