60 Second Reflections

    Storing Up Treasure

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    Today’s first reading is one of those stories that they make movies from. A wicked queen kills off the royal family, but they secret away young Joash, the rightful heir to the throne. Years later they bring out the rightful king, and the wicked queen gets hers. Check it out! In today’s Gospel reading from […]

    Thy Will Be Done

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    Over the past few days we have been reading the story of Elijah and Elisha. Today’s first reading is from Sirach 48. It is something of a recap of the story in 1 and 2 Kings. Our Gospel reading is from Matthew 6, where Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray. We know it as […]

    Ask Big

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    In our first reading today from 2 Kings 2, we see how Elijah was taken from the earth. More on that in a moment. Our Gospel reading is from Matthew 6. Jesus talks about almsgiving, prayer and fasting. This is the Gospel reading that we see every year on Ash Wednesday. It’s always good to […]

    We're All People

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    Today’s first reading is an interesting conclusion to the story of Ahab and Jezebel. God sends Elijah to tell them of how He was going to punish them because of their deception and murder of Naboth. Things did not look pretty for this nasty pair. But after hearing of his fate, Ahab repents. God acknowledges […]

    Turn the Other Cheek

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    Jezebel was one of the most wicked women in all of Scripture. She may well hold the top spot. Why? Read today’s first reading from 1 Kings 21 and you’ll find out. She was a master of deception; a real black-hearted beast of a human being. (Trivia nugget: she’s actually mentioned in a song by […]

    The Immaculate Heart of Mary

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    Today the Church celebrates the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Yesterday was the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is appropriate that we celebrate the heart of His mother the following day. Our Gospel reading today is from Luke 2, the story of the finding of the child Jesus in the […]

    The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

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    Today is the Feast of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. In the first reading from Ezekiel 34, God uses the imagery of a shepherd. “I myself will pasture my sheep; I myself will give them rest, says the Lord God.” We see this very same imagery in the Gospel reading from Luke 15. Jesus […]

    Bearing a Grudge

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    God had Elijah tell Ahab that there would be no rain in the land except at his (Elijah’s) word. The drought was long and painful. But the man of God knew that the time had come for rain. In today’s first reading, we see how this came about. Finally, with a cloud that started out […]

    Testing God

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    More from the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel reading today. Jesus said, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets. I have come not to abolish but to fulfill.” Jesus is the fulfillment of the law…the law of love. He shows us not how to ignore the […]

    God Provides

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    In the first reading today from 1 Kings 17, we see more of the story of Elijah. More in a moment. We continue in the Sermon on the Mount for the Gospel reading, from Matthew 5. Jesus tells his disciples, “You are the salt of the earth.” Also, “You are the light of the world.” […]

    The Beatitudes

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    In our first reading today from 1 Kings 17, we see yet another example of God providing. God told Elijah to announce to the king that there would be a drought. God then sends the prophet off to a deserted place and commands ravens to bring him bread and meat every morning and evening. In […]

    The Body and Blood of Christ

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    Today is the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. The Eucharist has been called “the source and summit of our faith.” And most certainly it is. For when we take the Eucharist, “we become what we receive.” The readings today are interesting, and give us a glimpse into this great mystery […]

    An Inconvenient Faith

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    More great exhortations from St. Paul to Timothy today in our first reading from 2 Timothy 4. All things that we should take to heart. In Mark 12 today, we see the story of the widow’s mite. Rich people come and donate large sums to the treasury, but Jesus is most impressed with a widow […]


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    Jesus got thrown trick questions and conundrums often by the Pharisees, the scribes, the Saducees and others. In the Gospel reading today from Mark 12, Jesus throws out a tricky question Himself. When talking about the Messiah being the Son of David, Jesus queries, “David himself calls him ‘lord’; so how is he his son?” […]

    Truth Without Deviation

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    In 2 Timothy 2 today, St. Paul continues to exhort Timothy, reminding him to preach and teach in a way befitting the office he has accepted. In today’s Gospel, Jesus is asked which is the first of all the commandments. He answers with not one, but two…”Love the Lord, your God and love your neighbor […]

    God of the Living

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    In the first reading today from 2 Timothy 1, St. Paul says “For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love and self-control. So do not be ashamed of your testimony to our Lord…” It seems there is a movement afoot to get Christians to sit down and […]

    What Belongs to God

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    In our first reading today from 2 Peter 3, St. Peter admonishes his readers to “grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.” Sound advice, wouldn’t you say? In the Gospel reading from Mark 12, Jesus is asked by some Pharisees and Herodians about paying taxes. They try to […]


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    Today is the Feast of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We remember that time when Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth. The first reading can be taken either from the Prophet Zephaniah or Romans 12. Do yourself a favor and read them both! The Gospel reading is the story of the Visitation […]

    Father, Son and Holy Spirit

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    Today we celebrate the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity; three Persons, one God. The readings today reflect that. The first reading from Proverbs we see an inkling of the Trinity: “When the Lord established the heavens I was there…” And our Gospel reading is from John 16, where Jesus talks about the Father and […]


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    Today’s first reading is from the Letter of St. Jude. At the end of the reading, we read, “To the one who is able to keep you from stumbling…be glory, majesty, power and authority from ages past, now and for ages to come. Amen.” We also see the word authority in our Gospel reading from […]

    Using Your Gift

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    Do you have life verse? This is a passage of Scripture that kind of sums up your life and mission, one that speaks to you and of you. Well, part of today’s first reading is my life verse. 1 Peter 4:7-11. Read it for yourself. I’ll talk more about it in a sec. In today’s […]

    God's People

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    In today’s first reading from 1 Peter 2, St. Peter says “long for spiritual milk.” St. Peter provides a tall, frosty glass of that for us today. More in a moment. In our Gospel reading today from Mark 10, we see the encounter with Jesus and the blind man, Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus cries out, “Son of […]

    To Serve

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    St. Peter had a way with words. In today’s first reading from 1 Peter 1, St. Peter says, “love one another intensely from a pure heart.” Intensely. I love that word. Love one another intensely. Think on that one. In the Gospel reading today from Mark 10, James and John come to Jesus and ask […]

    Be Holy

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    In the first reading today, St. Peter talks about how the prophets were testifying to Christ. He says that they “were not serving themselves but you.” In the Gospel reading today from Mark 10, Jesus talks about how those who have faith in Him will be repaid. And He says, “But many that are first […]

    All Things Are Possible

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    Welcome back to Ordinary Time! I hope your Lent and Easter seasons were fantastic! For our first reading today, we begin the first letter of St. Peter. Today we hear St. Peter reminding us that we will “suffer through various trials.” But this suffering is not worthless. It will help us to “attain the goal […]


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    Today is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. Happy Birthday! We see this reflected in the readings, especially in the first reading from Acts. I’d like to concentrate on the second reading today from 1 Corinthians 12. St. Paul talks about different spiritual gifts, all given by the one Spirit. I’m real big on […]

    Follow Jesus

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    In Acts 28 today, we see Paul continuing in his ministry, even while in custody. Oh, that we could all have the evangelistic spirit of St. Paul! In the Gospel reading from John 21, Peter sees John coming toward him and Jesus and asks Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus’ reply is interesting. Jesus tells […]

    Do You Love Me?

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    In the first reading today from Acts 25, Paul is in Caesarea awaiting trial. He is asked if he wants to go to Jerusalem to have his case heard. Paul declines, knowing that God is sending him to Rome. So Paul appeals his case to the Emperor. Our Gospel reading is from John 21, one […]

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