60 Second Reflections


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    Today’s first reading is from the Letter of St. Jude. At the end of the reading, we read, “To the one who is able to keep you from stumbling…be glory, majesty, power and authority from ages past, now and for ages to come. Amen.” We also see the word authority in our Gospel reading from […]

    Using Your Gift

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    Do you have life verse? This is a passage of Scripture that kind of sums up your life and mission, one that speaks to you and of you. Well, part of today’s first reading is my life verse. 1 Peter 4:7-11. Read it for yourself. I’ll talk more about it in a sec. In today’s […]

    God's People

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    In today’s first reading from 1 Peter 2, St. Peter says “long for spiritual milk.” St. Peter provides a tall, frosty glass of that for us today. More in a moment. In our Gospel reading today from Mark 10, we see the encounter with Jesus and the blind man, Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus cries out, “Son of […]

    To Serve

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    St. Peter had a way with words. In today’s first reading from 1 Peter 1, St. Peter says, “love one another intensely from a pure heart.” Intensely. I love that word. Love one another intensely. Think on that one. In the Gospel reading today from Mark 10, James and John come to Jesus and ask […]

    Be Holy

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    In the first reading today, St. Peter talks about how the prophets were testifying to Christ. He says that they “were not serving themselves but you.” In the Gospel reading today from Mark 10, Jesus talks about how those who have faith in Him will be repaid. And He says, “But many that are first […]

    All Things Are Possible

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    Welcome back to Ordinary Time! I hope your Lent and Easter seasons were fantastic! For our first reading today, we begin the first letter of St. Peter. Today we hear St. Peter reminding us that we will “suffer through various trials.” But this suffering is not worthless. It will help us to “attain the goal […]


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    Today is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of the Church. Happy Birthday! We see this reflected in the readings, especially in the first reading from Acts. I’d like to concentrate on the second reading today from 1 Corinthians 12. St. Paul talks about different spiritual gifts, all given by the one Spirit. I’m real big on […]

    Follow Jesus

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    In Acts 28 today, we see Paul continuing in his ministry, even while in custody. Oh, that we could all have the evangelistic spirit of St. Paul! In the Gospel reading from John 21, Peter sees John coming toward him and Jesus and asks Jesus, “Lord, what about him?” Jesus’ reply is interesting. Jesus tells […]

    Do You Love Me?

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    In the first reading today from Acts 25, Paul is in Caesarea awaiting trial. He is asked if he wants to go to Jerusalem to have his case heard. Paul declines, knowing that God is sending him to Rome. So Paul appeals his case to the Emperor. Our Gospel reading is from John 21, one […]

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