Attitude of Gratitude

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In the Gospel reading from Luke 17, Jesus heals ten lepers. Yet only one comes back to thank him, and he was a Samaritan at that. One out of ten. Not good odds.

I think if we look at our lives, there are probably an awful lot of things that we take for granted. Our jobs, the love of our spouses, the fact that we’ll be around tomorrow, to mention a few. We live in an entitlement society these days. So many people feel as though the world owes them something. But that is not the way it is. Nobody owes us anything; especially God. EVERYTHING we have, everything we receive is a gift from Him. Are we truly grateful?

If you had been one of the ten lepers healed, you would have made a beeline back to Jesus to say thanks, wouldn’t you? Of course you would. You have an attitude of gratitude, right? You’re grateful to God for all He has done for you. But does that attitude carry over into other aspects of your life? Have you told someone who loves you that you’re thankful for them lately? Have you thanked your boss for the privilege of being able to do what you do to make a living each day? Have you told a friend how much you appreciate their friendship today? Well…what are you waiting for??

Father, we thank you for giving us everything. Help us to carry that attitude of gratitude with us today and every day that you gift us with from now on. Amen.

Today’s Readings


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