Gus talks about something that happened at his men's retreat this past weekend where he spoke about making an examination of conscience and Gus passed out a sheet that helps Catholics go deeper in reflecting on their sins based on a study of the 10 Commandments. Afterwards, an elderly gentleman who'd only converted a couple years ago and had some questions regarding sterilization and in vitro fertilization. He was under the assumption that the Catholic Church had changed its teachings on those things. Gus kindly informed him that it had not. He says that there are a lot of lies out there about the Catholic Church because secular forces that want to see the Church's teachings changed on things like that. Gus asks listeners what teachings of the Catholic Church are the most unpopular to the rest of the world.
Also, Dr. Matthew Bunson of EWTN News calls in to talk about the latest Catholic headlines, including the Eucharistic Congress in Budapest, Hungary, which was attended by Pope Francis. He also talks about the Vatican Green Pass and the recent announcement by Archdiocese of Moncton, New Brunswick, Canada Archbishop Valery Vinneau that only fully-vaccinated people over the age of 12 may attend mass in person.
And, Gus talks about the importance of reading Scripture in order to enhance your spiritual life and asks listeners to call in and share if they do read Scripture and their method to it.