Gus talks about a story out of New Brunswick, Canada where Archbishop Valery Vinneau, of the Archdiocese of Moncton, recently announced that only fully-vaccinated individuals over the age of 12 are allowed to attend mass in person. Gus talks about how this stance directly contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Church and opens the phones up for listeners' comments.
Later, Shawn Carney, president and CEO of 40 Days for Life, calls in to talk about this year's campaign, which starts tomorrow and ends on October 31st. Shawn encourages listeners to go out and pray in front of an abortion clinic and reassures that it's typically very unassuming and non-confrontational.
And, inspired by his conversation with Shawn and by his own involvement in 40 Days for Life and the pro-life cause, Gus invites listeners who've prayed outside an abortion clinic or have been involved in the pro-life movement in any other way to call in and share their experiences.
Another archbishop that not only needs a biology lesson, but is a disgrace. Where is service to the faithful? When it is history has the church been so uncaring and lacking in service during times of plague, war, etc.? God forgive this man.
I read about this and am absolutely appalled at this edict! What a way to drive people from the church! What happened to masking? Yes we have both been immunized, my husband has had his booster due to his chemotherapy for Lymphoma, I will get my booster on October 17, 8 months after my second jab which was on Ash Wednesday. Do people going to the grocery store have to show proof of vaccination? This is ridiculous to the max. We are required to mask at our parish which is not a problem for the majority. Sorry this Bishop doesn’t appear to be very Christ-like and welcoming to his sheep!
Gus, one suggestion and a comment.
Why don’t you invite this Bishop on to your program vs trying to determine his intentions? Maybe you have and they declined but I do think you need to give clergy that you disagree with the opportunity to voice their side.
You also pleaded for people to not leave the church but to wait for the Bishop or government to come to their senses.
We’re closing in on 700,000 deaths, still averaging nearly 2,000 deaths per day with well over 90% of those deaths being the unvaccinated.
Maybe a different portion of the country need to come to their senses. As Pope Francis and many church leaders have pleaded let’s start thinking of others not ourselves.