Today, two female saints have feast days in the Church liturgy, Sts. Margaret of Scotland and Gertrude the Great. Gus shares a little of their respective histories with listeners. A big part of St. Gertrude the Great's story is a mystical encounter she had with Jesus and St. John the Apostle. She had many of them but this one is particularly memorable because she and St. John put their heads to Jesus' chest and listened to his Sacred heartbeat. She asked the apostle saint if this is what it sounded like at the last supper. Gus invites listeners to call in and share any mystical event they or a loved one may have had.
Also, Fr. Leo Patalinghug calls in to talk with Gus about meeting up and cooking for a few bishops at this week's November Meetings in Baltimore, which evolves into a discussion about their favorite childhood cereals, favorite fried chicken restaurants and fast-food joints. It also leads to Gus confessing to Fr. Leo on air that he's a vegetarian much to his surprise. Over the course of their conversation, Gus reveals that he does still eat me occasionally, which leads to a full-on lament to meat and how much he misses it. He and Gus also chat a little about the Book of Revelation and Thanksgiving plans.
And yesterday, the USCCB elected a new president in Archbishop Timothy Broglio and a new vice president in Archbishop William Lori and Gus talks a little bit about them. Archbishop Broglio is the Archbishop for the Military Services and was on the show last Friday for Veterans Day, and Archbishop William Lori is the Archbishop of Baltimore, Maryland.