Wednesday, May 26, 2021

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Gus talks about the results of a new survey conducted by the Cultural Research Center (CRC) at Arizona Christian University that examined the perspectives of adults aged 18 and over in the United States and broke them down by generations. Religious views played a big part in the survey and  43% of Millennials say they don't know, don't believe or don't care that God exists. But, perhaps the most disturbing result was that 48% of Millennials didn't believe in the golden rule, which is "treat others as want them to treat you." Gus invites listeners to call in and share what the faith of their family looks like and what we can do to evangelize the over 50% of Millennials who don't believe in basic kindness.

Also, Fr. Robert McTeigue, S.J. calls in to talk with Gus about the Biden Administration's transgender mandate and how it's a betrayal of right reason and Catholic faith. Fr. McTeague and other attacks against faith and reason in his new book "Real Philosophy for Real People: Tools for Truthful Living."

And, today is the Feast of St. Philip Neri. He is often referred to as the Second Apostle of Rome, after the great St. Paul. He lived during the rise of Martin Luther's teachings and, after being ordained in his 30s, led the counter-reformation in Rome through teaching and charity. Gus asks listeners if there's a particular feast day that coincides with something important in their lives.


  • Steve: May 27, 2021

    Hi Gus!
    I just opened an email from a wonderful local Priest who was speaking about the gifts of Pentecost. He began by talking about Fred McFeely Rogers (Mr. Rogers Neighborhood).
    “Mr. Rogers was able to mesmerize children who were glued to the tv due to his genuine love for children. They could sense it. He had a soothing voice and a simple manner. He never shied away from hard topics like divorce, war, or death. They were treated frankly but without alarm. His goal was to make his young audience feel secure and loved even in the midst of misfortune and give them a firm foundation for a good life.”
    At this point, I will steer away from the remainder of the email.
    I see that many children are now glued to programs of extreme violence, hatred, etc… This poison is being spoon-fed to young children. At family supper time, their minds prefer to feed on the poison—-instead of coming to the supper table for a wholesome family time of the day.
    Children and the family are being targeted. The ancient enemy wants to kill children in the womb or at birth. If children survive, they are assaulted in many ways; as are their parents.
    It’s no wonder that different generations have different views.
    With a soothing voice I remind everyone that the Immaculata (our loving Mother in Heaven) will step on the head of the ancient enemy. We as her family must pray hard and often, especially the Holy Rosary of Our Lady. This is the weapon and the shield!
    The victory of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary is assured.

  • Quintin Spanier: May 27, 2021

    Is there a place I can find a recording of today’s show?

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