Gus goes over a new survey released by the University of Chicago that examines American religiosity. It shows that only about half of Americans say they are certain God exists and pray several times a day. Interestingly, the poll only shows that 7% of Americans consider themselves atheist. Gus goes over the other survey questions and results and asks listeners to call in and talk about their prayer lives and how it's changed over the last 10-20 years.
Also, Gus continues to react to the Los Angeles Dodgers' decision to honor the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Gus updates the story with the Archdiocese of Los Angeles' statement lamenting the Dodgers decision and encouraging Catholics everywhere and everyone else to honor our religious sisters and the work they do. Afterwards, he reads a comment he got on social media about how we just need to love and pray for these folks. Gus responds to that by saying that prayer and loving your neighbor is always part of the equation but so is speaking out against things like bigotry and mockery. He opens the discussion up to listeners.
And Gus talks with National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA) President Lincoln Snyder about a recent letter his organization, along with the USCCB and the Catholic University of America, sent to the U.S. Dept. of Education about updated Title IX standards. It now includes transgender students in their anti-discrimination bylaws on the basis of sex requirements for institutions that get federal aid. Lincoln breaks down their response.