Tuesday, November 8, 2022

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Today is Election Day in the United States so Gus invites listeners to call in and talk about whether or not they voted, if they plan to if not, and what issues guided their votes. Abortion is on the ballot in several states, especially Michigan, so Gus fields a lot of calls on that topic.


  • Joe Sevic: November 08, 2022

    Gus, one of my top issues are the politicians who state that they won’t honor the decision of the vote unless they win. The former President has led this phenomenon and whether you are a D, R or I if we don’t honor the results we no longer have a democracy.

  • Sandy: November 08, 2022

    After listening to your show this morning, I highly recommend listening to Fr. Chris Alar from the Divine Mercy. His sermons from the past few days tell the Catholic Absolute Truths about voting. He pulls no punches on the abortion issue and calls out the politicians by name.

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