Tuesday, March 15, 2022

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Gus talks about how at mass this past weekend, he and Michelle ran into some old friends who belong to a different parish. After mass, Gus asked him what brought them here, they told him that they were switching to this parish because they were no longer comfortable at their old church. Gus asks listeners to call in and share their feelings on switching parishes.

Also, Dr. Matthew Bunson from EWTN calls in. Today, he and Gus talk about several Catholic news story, including the sentencing of former Argentinian Bishop Gustavo Zanchetta who was found guilty of aggravated sexual abuse. Pope Francis had initially defended Zanchetta. They also talk about the invasion of Ukraine and the outreach of Pope Francis and the Vatican and the situation surrounding Sister Deirdre Byrne who is suing the District of Columbia for refusing her a religious exemption for the COVID vaccine mandate and suspecting her medical license.

Afterwards, Gus shares some pro-life news, including the Mexican state of Sinaloa voting to make abortion legal up to 13 weeks. The bishop of the Diocese of Culiacan announced that any lawmaker who voted in support of this law may not receive holy communion or be godparents. He also talks about several pro-abortion states positioning themselves to become sanctuaries for abortion. The state of California is looking to allow a nurse practitioner to commit abortions. The state of Colorado is getting ready to vote to make abortion a fundamental right and grant no protections for the child in the womb. The state of Idaho, however, actually passed a Texas-style Heartbeat Bill.


  • Gus Lloyd: March 16, 2022


    1. One can certainly go to the bishop with a “complaint” about a priest, but I’ve found that bishops are generally unresponsive and will most always defend their priests (and generally rightly so). But it never hurts to voice your opinion.

    2. Dr. Jennifer Frey

  • Marcia: March 16, 2022

    I have 2 questions:
    1. I heard part of yesterday’s podcast on the Catholic Channel when you were talking about changing parishes. No one (when I was listening) talked about going to the Bishop with issues regarding a parish priest. What is your advice about contacting the Bishop?
    2. This morning you had a Dr. Frei? on the radio who converted to Catholicism. Can you provide her whole name so I can find the book that you were speaking about today?
    Thank you so much!

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