Tuesday, March 11, 2025

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Dr. Matthew Wiseman joins Gus in the Conversion Corner to tell the story of how he came to the Catholic faith, which he’s documented more concisely in his new book, “The Two Jerusalems: My Conversion from the Messianic Movement to the Catholic Church” available from Ignatius Press. It’s a fascinating story of spiritual evolution beginning with growing up in the Southern Baptist faith but seeking something more fulfilling after traveling all over the world. It led to the Anglican Church and ultimately to the Catholic Church. Dr. Wiseman talks about his involvement in the Messianic movement and what that is.

Also, one big part of the Season of Lent in the Catholic Church is the final preparation of candidates in the RCIA/OCIA programs who will enter fully into the Church at the Easter Vigil mass. We even heard Dr. Matthew Wiseman talk about it in his Conversion Corner segment. Gus invites listeners who went through it or participated in it as an instructor or sponsor to call in and share their experiences.

And Gus continues his daily Lenten practice of reading and reflecting on Thomas a Kempis' 15th century spiritual masterpiece, "Imitation of Christ."


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