Fr. Leo Patalinghug calls in to chat with Gus. He calls Gus from a vacation/retreat in the Smokey Mountains. They talk about retreats and priestly sabbaticals and how the latter is not a vacation. Fr. Leo tells Gus that, although it is a time to decompress, it is a time to build yourself up and should be filled with some type of continuing education in addition to prayer. Also, Fr. Leo is a third-degree black belt in karate and talks about how martial arts is compatible with our Catholic faith.
Later, Gus talks about the Tokyo Olympics and his interest level, which is very little. Gus says that the demonstrations by some of the athletes, including kneeling during the National Anthem, have contributed to his lack of interest and invites others to call in and share how interested they are on a scale of zero to 10; zero being not watching at all and 10 meaning they're glued to the TV.