Thursday, May 16, 2024

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Gus talks about his dreams. Ever since his bout with shingles back in January, he’s had very vivid and lucid dreams. This is the first time in his life he’s ever had these. In fact, he hardly ever remembered his dreams. He invites listeners who’ve had these types of dreams to call in and talk about their dreaming experiences.

Later, Bob Dunning calls in to talk about his unceremonious firing by the Davis Enterprise earlier this week, and the range of emotions he’s still going through. But, behind every dark cloud is a silver lining, and Bob was able to rebound with a column on Substack called The Wary One, which already has over 3,000 subscribers in 45 states. He talks about how that all came together and what he’s going to be writing about. If you'd like to subscribe, you may do so here.


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