Monday, September 13, 2021

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Gus talks about a line from today's First Reading from 1 Timothy 2 where St. Paul says, "For there is one God. There is also one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus." Oftentimes, non-Catholic Christians will point to this Scripture verse to point out that praying to the Blessed Virgin Mary and the saints is unbiblical. Gus says that we do in fact observe that Scripture reading and that, by praying through the saints, we are viewing them as a mediator between us and Jesus Christ. We believe that they are granted a special grace from God to hear our prayers and bring them to Jesus. Gus invites listeners to call in and share a particular mediator, a la a saint or a loved one who passed, they go to for intercessory prayer.

Also, noted Catholic evangelist Jeff Cavins calls in to talk about several different things, including being the keynote speaker at the National Catholic Prayer Breakfast tomorrow and his successful evangelization tools, the Great Adventure Bible Studies and the Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz podcast.

And, it's Monday and that means we do another edition of Tell Me Something Good.

1 comment

  • Rita Schulz: September 15, 2021

    Dear Gus, I heard your show on Monday about saints and was surprised to hear you actually quote the scripture where Jesus says he is the only mediator between man and God and then say us Catholics are always looking for other mediators!! We can go right to Jesus. The other comment I was shocked to hear is when you asked listeners to call in if they had stories to share about other deceased relatives who they have prayed to and if they had answered prayers from them. This goes against what is taught in 1Samuel 28:8 when Saul consulted a medium to consult a spirit for him and Deuteronomy 18:10-11 warning against people practicing divination and consulting mediums to make inquiries of the dead. It is no wonder people think us Catholics are non-biblical. I was disappointed.

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