Gus kicks off 2022 on a random note. Former Catholic Channel host Jennifer Fulwiler has issued a Saint and Inspirational Word Generator, respectively. Both will issue a random saint who you can pray to and a random spiritually inspirational word that you can focus on this year. Gus invites listeners to call in to get their random saint and word.
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I would like to receive My Saint and 2022 Word please
Hi Gus,
I am almost ready to call in. We have Sirus in our vehicle. Have taken a few trips in 2021 and listened all morning to you while we drive. Today was at the vet with one of our animals and almost called again I am going to take a saint name. Heard you had Fr Mike on. I wish I could of listened. He is from our Parish in Brainerd, MN. He is helping alot of young people find their way. He has a gift now teamed up with Jeff Cavins they are making ripples, thanks be to God. You should come to St. Andrews in Brainerd, MN in the summer. Thanks for being out there.