Monday, February 8, 2021

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Gus talks about the Super Bowl and, in particular, the commercials. One of the ones he enjoyed the most was the one for General Motors, called No Way Norway, which features actor/comedian Will Ferrell. He did object to the use of the words "damn it" twice in the commercial and expressed his disappointment. While Gus says he's no shrieking violet, and admits that it's probably used quite commonly in adult conversation, he believes that, as parents and grandparents, we need to protect the innocence of children and that there were probably millions of children watching the Super Bowl last night. He also shares his favorite ad, which was the Toyota spot that featured Paralympic swimmer Jessica Long who had to have her lower legs amputated shortly after birth. Gus says he wasn't sure if the car company was shooting for a pro-life message but says it sure came across with a pro-life vibe. He talks with listeners about it.

Later, Gus talks about today's First Reading, which starts at the very beginning of the Bible, the Book of Genesis, Chapter 1, Verses 1-19. It talks about the creation of the world, which is one of the most debated events in the Old Testament in whether or not it should be taken literally, God created the world in seven 24 hours day, or if it's just an allegory. The Catholic Church has never definitively taught one or the other and that it's up to the interpretation of the reader as it can never be proven. Gus gives his thoughts on the subject and those of Catholic theologian Dr. Scott Hahn, which were published in the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: The Book of Genesis.

And, it's Monday, so Gus does a round of Tell Me Something Good with listeners.

1 comment

  • Kevin Schlink: February 08, 2021

    heard your remarks about the Will Farrell ad I can honestly that after seeing 1 of his first movies I completely tune him out when he’s talking, so I never even noticed his double d#$* it

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