Monday, February 3, 2025

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Gus is joined by Tommy Schultz, the CEO of American Federation for Children, which is the largest school choice advocacy group in the country. School choice allows tax dollars to be used to support any parents’ choice to send their children to private school. Tommy talks with Gus about how, in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, Catholic school children are far outperforming public school children based on the latest scores from the National Assessment of Education Progress. Tommy talks with Gus about how these glaring statistics should only intensify the school choice debate and how having options can actually improve both public and private education. He talks about it all in his recent opinion piece published in the NY Post.

Afterwards, Gus talks about the influence of the Teachers Union on D.C. politicians and how that and many unions enter into the political fray whether their members agree with their stance or not. Gus asks listeners to call in and give their opinions on unions and if they ever were or are a part of one.

And it's Monday so Gus takes part in some Tell Me Something Good with listeners.


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