Monday, August 1, 2022

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Today is Gus and Michelle's 42nd wedding anniversary. He reminisces over his wedding day, which, although was in a Catholic Church, wasn't particularly a holy event; at least, not on the surface. He recalls that his biggest thought during the homily was, let's get going. We have a party to get to. He talks about how, because of his infidelity, their marriage nearly ended a few years later but, somehow, someway, God brought them back to Him. Gus asks listeners what is a habit you do regularly to let your spouse know you love him or her?
And it's Monday, so that means Gus does an episode of Tell Me Something Good with listeners.

1 comment

  • Timothy Hondorp: August 04, 2022

    Hello Gus,
    I wanted to write to you on something that really bothered me on the segment “tell me something good” A woman called in describing her reunion with her 18 year old son after giving him up for adoption as a baby. She went on how it was a blessing and such and I was getting more upset as she continued to speak. You see, my wife adopted a baby boy and it has brought great joy to our life. It is a closed adoption meaning that the birth mother is not involved. To our son- WE ARE HIS PARENTS! The woman made no mention of the the adoptive parents sacrifice or appreciation on what they did to raise THEIR son. She talked about here sacrifice giving the child up but made no reference the her sons 18 years with the adoptive family. I literally screaming NO at the radio as she was talking. I fear that little good is going to come from this.

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