This past Friday, Gus' youngest son, John, graduated from college. He graduated as a math major and is pursuing a teaching degree. Gus talks about many people find their careers through circuitous routes. He invites listeners to call in and share the path they took to find what they're doing today.
Later, Gus takes a call from Patrick who's struggling with his faith over the clergy sex abuse scandal. He's been actively involved in his parish for over 30 years but has found it exceedingly difficult to walk back into mass. He tells Gus he feels complicit and that he didn't even go to Easter mass. Gus has a heart-to-heart with Patrick and tells him he feels for him but that he's only punishing himself by denying himself the Eucharist, which is the one place that we can truly be healed through Jesus.
Hey Gus,
I called in this AM and you were gracious enough to put me on the air. I feel like I did a horrible job saying what I wanted to say. I might as well have been reading you my resume.
Here is what I meant to say:
I’ve attended 3 colleges, I’ve had 4 “careers”, and my wife and I have moved 10 times.
I was let go from my last job (by mutual agreement). I stopped at my parish on the way home and prayed for direction. After leaving the church, I got a call from an old friend who needed me to help with his company. Of course I said yes.
Each time I had a major change in my life, I ended up in a better situation for me, or in a situation where we were in a position to really help someone else.
My current job is perfect for me. I love what I do, I work for (with) people of good character and strong faith. I work from home and travel just enough to make things interesting (you know what that is like).
My father recently had major heart surgery and my mother is in advanced stages of MS. My job gives me the flexibility and the resources to fly home any time they need my help.
I never really gave God credit for my trajectory until that last job change. Getting that call after leaving the church was just too obvious. Looking back, I now realize that each change was God hitting me on the back of the head with a 2×4 directing to where I needed to go.
I thank God (mostly), my wife (a lot), and you for helping me to finally figure that out.
Thanks Gus, and God Bless ya brother.
Thank you for your council and prayers today. After you pray I felt the Holy Sprit move over me and I wept.
I was name after St Patrick and as such I use to read the Brestplate each morning. Today after we talked read it again and what stuck with me was this passage :
“I arise today, through
God’s strength to pilot me,
God’s might to uphold me,
God’s wisdom to guide me,
God’s eye to look before me,
God’s ear to hear me,
God’s word to speak for me,
God’s hand to guard me,
God’s shield to protect me,
God’s host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptation of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
afar and near.’
Through you’re words and guidance from our savior Jesus Christ, his holy blood has washed over me and I will walk through those doors this week.
God Bless you and Thank you
Your Brother Patrick