Sing the Lord's Goodness

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In today's first reading from Acts 13, Paul gives the people in the synagogue in Antioch a little history lesson. The Gospel reading from John 13 are the words of Jesus immediately after He has washed the feet of the disciples.

I'm struck by today's Responsorial Psalm from Psalm 89. The response is, "Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord." And the first half of the first verse is this: "The favors of the Lord I will sing forever; through all generations my mouth shall proclaim your faithfulness."

You may be a good singer, or not. That's really beside the point. The fact that you should be singing God's praises is the point. Forever. I've always said that evangelization is really nothing more than sharing your story. Sharing the story of God's goodness in your life. Sounds kinda like today's Psalm response, doesn't it?

Father, may we sing your praises always, whether we can sing or not! Amen.

Today's Readings

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