Today's first reading from Colossians 1 contains St. Paul's thoughts on Christology. I think it can be summed up in three short words: Christ is all.
The word "all" is used eight times in this short reading. "Christ Jesus is...the firstborn of all creation...all things were created through him and for him...He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. For in him all he fullness was pleased to dwell..." And there's more.
What is Christ to you? Is He a nice man, a gentle teacher? Is He a guy you visit with for an hour a week? Do you think of Him fairly often? None of these is sufficient. For the Christian, Christ is all. He should be our first thought in the morning, our last thought at night, and everything we do should be for Him. For the Christian, Christ is all.
Father, may Christ be all to us, always. Amen.