There's a great story in today's Gospel reading from Luke 5. Jesus is teaching from Simon Peter's boat. After He finishes, He tells Simon to "Put out into deep water and lower your nets for a catch."
Simon begins to object because they had fished all night and caught nothing. Then he says, "But at your command I will lower the nets." They catch so many fish the nets are tearing. Jesus says to Simon, "Do not be afraid; from now on you will be catching men."
As a professional fisherman, Simon probably thought this command of Jesus was ridiculous. But he obeyed anyway. I'm sure it took a lot of humility for him to do that. How often do we view the commands of Jesus as ridiculous? What? You want me to be chaste? You want me help the poor and support the Church? Ridiculous! Yet when we humble ourselves and follow the commands of Jesus, good things ensue.
Father, help us to be humble and to follow the commands of Jesus, even if we think they're ridiculous. Amen.
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