One thing Gus talks about often is how under-catechized he was as kid and it's that way with a lot of people these days. In conversations with listeners on this show, it's shocking how little self-described devout Catholics know about basic Church teachings. For instance, intentionally skipping Sunday mass or a holy day of obligation, without a legitimate excuse such as sickness or lack of transportation, is a mortal sin. Gus invites listeners who are, or were, occasional mass attendees to call in and share why they're in, or were in, that situation.
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Gus- Five or six years ago I would attend mass may be two to three times a month. (every other weekend). I think it was around five years ago during lent my goal was not to miss. And during this time I came across your morning show. So I made the switch from sports talk radio to Seize the Day You brought me in closer to the church and have me more accountable for my actions. I now enjoy or look forward to mass. As a broker I sometimes will leave my desk at lunch time and walk to the downtown church and attend noon mass. I found this a great time to reflect and relax. Thank you very much for reaching out to me each morning on my drive to work !
Gus, first let me say I attend mass every morning and on Sunday without question. My question is this, Protestants are not required to attend services weekly. It’s basically their choice. Early Christians were not required to attend a weekly service. Why are modern Catholics under pain of mortal sin and damned to hell the only ones required to do this? Does that mean the others won’t go to hell because of no service requirement for them but we will ? And just a few years back we couldn’t eat meat on Fridays under pain of mortal sin but now we can. Did those who ate the meat go to hell but not us because now it’s ok excepting during lent. I recently asked this question at a church talk on death and hell but the priest’s answer was vague. So I’m turning to you for clarification.
I love your show and try to listen every morning.
Bless you for all you do.