Fr. Paul Sullins, research associate professor at the Catholic University of America and senior research associate of the Ruth Institute, calls in to talk about his recent study on the link between the incidence of clergy sex abuse and homosexuality in the priesthood and in seminaries. To download Fr. Paul's study, and decide for yourself, click here.
Gus talks about a group of Ohio clergy members, none of whom are Catholic, gathering outside a Planned Parenthood clinic in Columbus, Ohio to ask for God's blessing on the facility. In fact, they're calling the event Holy Ground: Blessing This Sacred Space of Decision. Gus condemns this act and the clergy who would bless a place when unborn children go to die. Afterwards, he takes calls and begins with a very confrontational with Luke in Connecticut who calls Gus judgmental.
Thank you for standing up for those unable to speak(the unborn), and no you were not being judgmental. The incident in Ohio needed to be told, otherwise our Church will be overrun with sin. Thank you Guss! Love ya brother!