Gus addresses the recent controversy surrounding Pope Francis in which he allegedly told Juan Carlos Cruz, a survivor of the clergy sex abuse scandal that's currently rocking Chile, that "God made you that way." The Vatican issued a statement that it does not comment on what's said in the pope's private conversations and, although Gus doesn't comment on what the pope allegedly said, he does respond to people who've accused him of being anti-gay, which has mostly taken place on social media. Gus says that he believes when people of same-sex attraction hear or say that someone is anti-gay, they hear the word "gay" as a noun. Gus reiterates that he has no hatred for or dislike or bias of any persons or group of people, but he does uphold the traditional Church teaching that sex of any kind outside the natural married state is sinful and quotes the Catholic Catechism's teaching on Chasity where it says that the homosexual act is intrinsically disordered and that homosexuals, like heterosexuals, are called to chastity. He opens up to listeners.
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What was the name of the website that was mentioned today that discusses the Shrouf of Turin?