Gus reads an article written by a priest named Fr. Bill Peckman entitled "Why Are Catholics Leaving the Church? A Brave Priest Reveals the Dangerous Culprit" in which he talks about how we, as a society, tamed God and the devil and replaced their diametric with misplaced social justice. On the heels of that, Gus talks with listeners about this theory and hears from many who left the Church and came back. Gus asks them why they returned.
Also, Gus goes over some news items of interest, including the reversal of a UK court decision which forced a disabled woman to have an abortion because the justice felt she wasn't capable of taking care of the child despite her mother's pledge to raise the child. Gus also reads an excerpt from a recent speech given by Cardinal Robert Sarah, at a conference in Paris, in which he says we don't need to reinvent the Church, we need to rebuild it.
And, over the last week or so, Gus has spoken a lot about giving. He asks listeners what they do to teach their kids about tithing.