Wednesday, July 15, 2020

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Gus talks about a picture that went viral last week. On July 8th, on Interstate 81 in Lebanon, Pennsylvania, a torrential downpour caused a six-car pileup. A young priest named Fr. John Killackey was stuck in the ensuing traffic jam and got out of his vehicle to the scene of the accident. He was able to pray with some of the victims and perform last rites on one who died. Somebody took a picture of him walking amidst the tractor trailers in the driving rain. Gus was very moved by the photograph and believes God put him in that traffic jam in order to administer last rites to that person. He invites listeners to call in and share a time in their lives when a priest was there for them.

Later, Gus is joined by Franciscan University of Steubenville Economics Professor Dr. Michael Welker. Back in March, during the early days of the coronavirus quarantine, Dr. Welker called in to talk about potential economic impacts the pandemic might cause. He calls in today to talk about how the nation fared economically these last few months and discuss some economic models for the future.

And, yesterday, Gus posted a poll on his Twitter page asking followers if they believe their kids should physically go back to school this fall. So far, 62% said Yes, 14% said No and 24% said Wait and See. Gus invites listeners to call in and share how comfortable they are with the idea of kids going back to school.

1 comment

  • Diane : July 16, 2020

    I had not seen that picture. It speaks volumes.

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