Gus brings back our very popular segment, Ask a Canon Lawyer. Our previous canon lawyer is no longer able to participate in the segment, so we welcome our new canon lawyer, Donna Miller, a canon lawyer for 23 years and the executive coordinator of the Canon Law Society of America. Gus invites listeners who have canon law questions to call in.
Also, Gus is joined by Catholic author Michael J. Lichens to talk about his new book, “Weird Catholic Handbook.” He shares with Gus his attraction to weird things and oddities since he was a kid, telling him that, on road trips, whenever there was a bizarre roadside landmark, he’d always press his parents to stop. He goes over a few of the things he covers in his book like St. Joseph of Cupertino’s ability to “fly,” St. Columba and the Loch Ness monster and a few others.
And today is the anniversary of the passing of Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court in 1972, which made abortion legal in all 50 states. It has since been overturned by that same body with their 2022 Dobbs v. Jackson decision. In response, the USCCB established January 22nd as “The Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of the Unborn” in the liturgical calendar in the United States. Gus invites listeners who have had a change of heart on abortion, from supporting it to not, to call in and share how they arrived at that scenario.