Yesterday, the pro-life movement scored a major legal victory in the state of Illinois after state attorney general Kwame Raoul agreed to a court order that imposes a permanent injunction against legislation, which targeted pro-life pregnancy centers as dishonest and arbiters of misinformation. This prohibits the state from enforcing the law, which had already been temporarily paused by a judge pending the outcome of the litigation. Peter Breen, the executive vice-president and head of litigation for the Thomas More Society, which represented the group of crisis pregnancy centers who filed suit, calls in to talk about the state's flimsy case, which prompted their acquiescence.
Also, Gus talks about an incident that occurred as he was walking into mass this past Sunday. He got into an uncontrollable coughing fit that had him to the point of nausea. He had to excuse himself for a few minutes and went outside. The cough turned into a hack, and he had trouble breathing. He started praying for it to go away and, as suddenly as it began, it stopped. Gus believes that it was a spiritual attack, brought on by the devil in an effort to keep him out of church. He asks listeners if they've ever been spiritually attacked and invites them to call in and share their stories.