Gus begins today's show by talking about today's First Reading from the Book of Wisdom. It talks about the souls of the just being in the hands of God. It's fitting as November is the month of All Souls and a time when the Church encourages its faithful to more fervently pray for the souls of the departed. Gus uses this as an opportunity to talk about the Catholic Church's teaching on Purgatory. It brings in a flood of callers who have plenty of questions and comments for Gus about Purgatory.
Afterwards, Gus shifts his focus to baptism as he talks about a story out of Paraguay where an EMT worker who responded to a call for a one-month-old baby who was in distress with imperceptible life signs. The baby was living on the street with her 13-year-old indigenous mother. The EMT was a former Catholic seminarian who baptized the child when they got to the hospital and, almost immediately, her life signs began to recover.
And, each year, on All Souls Day, Gus invites listeners to call in and remember a loved one who died this past year. This year, it fell on a Saturday so he was unable to do that so he takes some time and opens up the lines for listeners who want to remember a family member or friend who died after last All Souls Day.