Tuesday, March 16, 2021

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Gus talks about the headline, which came out earlier this week, where the Vatican issued the statement that the Church cannot bless homosexual unions. Gus clarifies that it wasn't an arbitrary statement but an answer to a question and that was also done in response to attempts by several bishops in Germany who are seeking to have the Church recognize same-sex marriage and are perched headlong into schism. Gus reads the full statement issued by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and invites listeners to call in and give their thoughts.

Later, Gus recounts his conversation with Fr. Leo Patalinghug yesterday where, in talking about his food truck ministry, Fr. Leo mentioned he was seeking to employ people reentering society, i.e., ex-convicts. Gus shares a story about his late sister Nancy who served a year in jail following a drunk driving incident that resulted in the death of another person and how it changed her for the better. Gus talks about how there are a lot of misconceptions involving people who do time. He invites listeners to call in who have either themselves served time or have a loved one who has and how it impacted them.

Also, Gus is joined in the Conversion Corner by Marcus Peter. Marcus, who is now the president and director of Biblical Theology at St. Peter Institute for Scripture and Evangelization, grew up nominally Catholic in Malyasia, which eventually gave way to atheism. He tell Gus tthat, growing up in that part of the world, he was taught, even by Catholic priests, that all religions were essentially equal. He shares his journey back to the Catholic faith.

And, Gus is also joined by his friend George Stephan from Israel who is a Holy Land tour guide. He gives Gus an update on what the impact of COVID has been over there and when he believes tours will resume.


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