This past weekend, the documentary “Jesus Thirsts: The Miracle of the Eucharist,” distributed by Fathom Events, has become the second-highest grossing documentary of 2024. It’s going to continue its theater run this weekend and writer/director Tim Moriarty joins Gus to talk about it. He talks about what drove him to create this fantastic documentary, including spending time in the seminary and away from the Church following the revelation of the priest sex abuse scandal in the early 2000s. He credits the Eucharist for bringing him back.
Also, Fr. Leo Patalinghug calls in and reminisces with Gus about the Miracle of the Lima Beans. Gus has always hated lima beans, so a couple of weeks ago, Fr. Leo came to Gus and Michelle’s home and made Gus a tasty lima bean dish that he loved. They talk about more unpalatable foods, like liver and ox tail, and the possibility of making those taste better. They also talk about Fr. Leo celebrating his 25th year as a priest, how he’s celebrating and what it means to him to be a priest. Gus also asks Fr. Leo about the trappings of being a celebrity priest and how he keeps himself grounded.
In honor of today’s Feast of St. Barnabas, apostle, also known as the “Son of Encouragement,” Gus plays the audio book version of his chapter on Encouragement in his 2012 book, “Magnetic Christianity: Using Your God-Given Gifts to Build the Kingdom.”