Tuesday, January 22, 2019

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Gus talks about the furor that erupted over the weekend following a confrontation at the Lincoln Memorial, after the March for Life, between students from Covington Catholic High School and protesters from the Indigenous Peoples March and a group calling themselves the Hebrew Israelites. After the kids endured a fury of attacks from mainstream media outlets and people on social media, new video evidence shows that the kids were verbally assaulted and Native American elder Nathan Phillips instigated the now-famous showdown between him and C.C.H.S. student Nick Sandmann. Gus talks first with Gateway Pundit journalist Cassandra Fairbanks, who's been covering this incident from the beginning, and with listeners throughout the show.


  • Edith: January 28, 2019

    I wasn’t part of the conversation last week and joined in on your show today. Thank you J. Francis for your comment January 23, 2019. Spot on!!! I too saw the explanation from Nick Standman on the Today show. I believe him. What I don’t agree with is their wearing the MAGA hats. I have seen too many examples from Mr Trump himself (not the media) that now I believe he IS RACIST. In the same way our church should condemn priest who have committed acts of molestation, we SHOULD also condemn those who commit acts of racism. He is NOT a Christian and only pretends to support our cause. I am disappointed again in my church that they back Mr Trump for the sake of passing PRO LIFE legislation. Stop turning a blind eye!
    The church will continue to lose followers if we don’t stand independent of Mr Trump. I am a Mexican immigrant and a practicing Catholic.

  • Anthony: January 25, 2019

    Leonard, so everyone who wears a MAGA hat is a bigot. You are judging a person by a hat and not their heart. Luke 6:37. Do not buy in to the network news narratives. My advise to all who read this is to stop watching network news. Big network news thrives on reporting sin especially if is related to the Catholic church. Watch your local news, EWTN news, and listen to Sirius Catholic radio. Spend more time reading your bible. Remember, don’t waste your time getting caught up in the world. Keep your heart and mind focused on our Father in heaven, his Son Jesus, and our Mother Mary. Do this and peace will over come you.

  • Leonard: January 24, 2019

    MAGA hats are worn by members of my Diocese, all bigots. I was surprised to hear you support these young men who need to be taught a lesson now before they leave home and get seriously hurt espousing their bigotry. I’m often the victim of bigotry but my Christian faith demands I turn the other cheek. It demands that all Christians turn the other cheek. If I didn’t, I would be accused because of my ethnicity, religion and religious affiliations. It’s called dying on the cross again for Jesus.
    I really thought you were dealing from the top of the deck. Shame on you.

  • Gus Lloyd: January 23, 2019

    Andrea Kurtz, Anne, John, et al:
    Black is part of their name. They are the Black Hebrew Israelites. I was not using a description, but a proper noun.

  • John: January 23, 2019

    Anne is spot-on. Glad I’m not the only one who sees this. While I normally love your show, your comments on this topic are sadly very revealing and show the social divide that exists among American Catholics.

  • J. Francis: January 23, 2019

    The Swastika did not start out as a symbol of hate and and bigotry. It became that. MAGA hats have become that to many of us and to many in the Catholic Church. See below.


  • Andrea Z Kurtz: January 23, 2019

    I appreciated your conversation this morning about the Covington Catholic high school situation and I agree with your assessment. I would suggest you refrain from identifying the Hebrew Israeli group as black. In a span of 2 or 3 minutes you used the description “black” numerous times. Not once did you describe the students as white. We will never be able to get past the race division if we continue to identify people by color. The issue was about the negative behavior of the Hebrew Israeli group and the native Americans towards a group of students because of the hats they were wearing. It was not about race.

  • Dan: January 22, 2019

    Gus, I listened to your program this morning and thought, oh no he’s going to get himself fired. But you were 100% RIGHT! The church “leaders” in KY were very quick to sacrifice those boys on the alter of political correctness, without getting any facts. SHAME ON THEM!

    But unfortunately under Pope Francis the Church “leadership” have become politically correct social justice warriors. Instead of evangelists for Christ.

    Keep fighting the good fight, while they (The Catholic Channel) let’s you!!!

  • Anthony: January 22, 2019

    So if the President wears a USA t-shirt it now becomes political and bigoted? The hats that have MAGA are protected under freedom of speech. They don’t contain offensive language. You must not be a supporter of the President, but that’s OK. Thats’s your right. The Catholic students did nothing wrong that I could as reported on the news. But remember the tragic death of the black child in Houston who was shot and killed by another driver recently? The mother claimed it was a white male wearing a hoody. Numerous politicians and black community organizers jumped on this report and bashed the white community. It turned out that a young black man confessed to the crime. And just like this incident with the Catholic students. They were first reported to be the instigators, but as it turns out, they did nothing wrong. “Fake news”. This story was purposely reported this way to detract from the bigger story which was the March For Life. The March For Life is not in line with the majority of the network news narrative so it only got extreme minimal coverage. Evil is working everyday to distract you from God. Remember, the opposite of life, is death. Death is a dark, cold word so the liberal, progressive, and socialist use the word “choice”. But choice is not what they promote. They only promote abortion, ie;death. The hearts of these abortion promoters is not with God, but with the devil and they don’t even realize it. If God punishes our country, abortion will be God’s justification.

  • Anne: January 22, 2019

    I blame the teachers and adults who took young adults to a protest without the necessary supervision. They were sent to protest sites wearing Political hats. Hats which are divisive and bigoted themselves. They were going to get drawn into politics. Lastly I sense some sort of prejudice in your repeated discussions about “black men” being aggressors. The white church does not appreciate the terrible injustice over the years which black men endure and nothing similar to what these young men have been through. Please please can you be less derisive of black men, some of us are trying to teach our sons that the church loves us black people too. Why an entire chapter to these boys when black innocent catholic boys get shot everyday.

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