Gus talks about a priest he follows on Twitter, Fr. John Hollowell, who announced on Twitter recently that he has a brain tumor. Interestingly enough, Fr. Hollowell says he considers his diagnosis as an "answer to prayer." He explains that when the news of the depths of the clergy sex abuse scandal broke in 2018, it affected him very deeply and shortly afterward, prayed for God to unite him in some way with the sufferings of the victims. He considers this that answer and has asked victims of clergy abuse to contact him so that he can include them in his redemptive suffering. Because of the sinister acts of a few priests, the majority who've done nothing get a bad rap so Gus invites listeners to call in and talk about a priest who impacted them in a positive way.
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I got to call in this AM around 8:28 to discuss my priest that has had an impact in my life. I shared this with my priest and he wondered if there was anyway that he could listen to that recording. Is it every replayed?