Tuesday, August 9, 2022

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Gus talks about "stealth evangelization," which he describes as ways of sharing the Gospel message, and your faith, in ways that aren't overt. He talks about Rosaries that are dangled from rearview mirrors, t-shirts, styles of greeting people and other methods and invites people to call in and share ways they stealth evangelize.

Gus also goes over a few Catholic news items of interest, including a tragic story of 12 polish pilgrims who perished bus crashed in Croatia en route to Medjugorje. He also talks about German Bishop Emil Stehle who's accused of helping pedophile priests escape to Latin America.
And Gus talks about his new "Good Morning Child of God" sticker and gives several away to listeners who call in and talk about a student in their lives to whom they'd like to give one.


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