On Sunday, Gus took his grandsons Beckett and Wyatt to see the Harlem Globetrotters. Gus talks about how, to this day, one of his fondest memories is when his dad took him to see the Globetrotters and invites listeners to call in and talk about their favorite childhood memories. He also asks parents to call in and talk about memories they helped create for their children.
Later, Gus talks about today's readings. In the First Reading from Acts, Paul and Barnabas say that it is necessary to undergo many hardships to enter into the Kingdom of God. In the Gospel, we hear Jesus say, “Peace I leave you, my peace I give you.” Gus talks about how hardships and peace aren’t mutually exclusive. If you shape your life around the Eucharist and the teachings of Jesus, you can have peace through hardships and hardships through peace. Gus invites listeners who’ve found peace through a hardship to call in and share their stories.