Thursday, October 11, 2018

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During a recent Wednesday Papal Audience, Pope Francis equated getting an abortion with hiring a hit man. It was a little bit shocking coming from a pope who's been generally soft spoken and who, in the recent past, has criticized pro-life Catholics for being too obsessed with abortion. Gus mentions instances in Scripture where both St. Paul and Jesus didn't mix words in order to convey the truth. Gus gets listener reaction to the pope's words.

Also, since Seize the Day will be off tomorrow, Gus does Prayer Time today and also talks with Bob Dunning about this weekend's best college football match-ups and he and Gus give their predictions.

1 comment

  • Zachary Randall: October 13, 2018

    Great dialogue and topic today.
    Pope Francis ( "The Roman Pontiff, head of the college of bishops, enjoys this infallibility in virtue of his office, when, as supreme pastor and teacher of all the faithful – who confirms his brethren in the faith he proclaims by a definitive act a doctrine pertaining to faith or morals. ) his verbiage on “hiring hit man” reminds me of the St.Gallen”Mafia”group? I believe his actions speak louder than his silence and words.
    #1. Abortion he speaks about and the Vatican asking the underground Catholic Bishops to stand aside allowing a government( 13-23 million abortions annually)backed communist bishops to govern the Catholic Church abandoning the underground church that has been faithful to the teachings of the church to its fate and demise and he admits in his own words “this will hurt people “ .
    #2. At a national and state level Fr. John Giel pastor of Holy family parish here in Florida, called the police on his own parishioners holding anti-abortion signs on the public side walk in front of the church. What does this tell us about where our church is and where it is going?
    The problem is we the church are not getting the whole truth from our church hierarchy. Corruption has undermined our faith teachings and messaging especially through this age of the narrative of memes and social media propaganda. Also it brings to mind Masonic Funeral Parade, 1917 “Satan Must Reign in the Vatican. The Pope Will Be His Slave.” personally witnessed by St. Maximilian Kolbe
    We know as Catholics the ending, the gates of shall not prevail against Christ Church. But understanding, defending and educating of our faith and all its truths makes us stronger. One thing I always remembered growing up as a Catholic,the Church triumphant( souls in heaven),The church suffering (the souls in purgatory) and the church Militant ( Us ). “Anything less than the Catholic Faith is narrow and shallow and ultimately barren. But we have come out of the shallows and the dry places to the one deep well; and the Truth is at the bottom of it.” G.K. Chesterton.

    “In this world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

    Pax Vobiscum,
    Per Vitumtem Pax,
    Regina Pacis Virgo pontes.

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