Thursday, May 23, 2024

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Gus talks about his weekly Thursday guest, Bob Dunning, and how he recently lost his job at the Davis Enterprise, where he’d been working the past 55 years. He invites listeners who’ve been fired to call in and share what that experience was like for them. Afterwards, Bob calls in to talk with Gus about their love for gelatos, his new Substack column, having lunch with the founder of Substack in San Francisco yesterday and play Bob Dunning Trivia with Gus.

Also, Gus talks more about Pope Francis’ recent 60 Minutes interview, particularly his comments on “conservative Catholicism.” He described conservative Catholics to Norah O’Donnell as being “closed up inside a dogmatic box.” Gus says that’s neither his nor millions of others’ definition of conservative Catholicism. He invites listeners to call in and define what it means to them.


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