Thursday, March 28, 2019

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Gus plays audio of a controversial invocation at a ceremony for the swearing in of Pennsylvania State Rep. Movita Johnson-Harrell, the first Muslim woman ever in the Pennsylvania House, who won a special election on March 13th. The prayer was delivered by Rep. Stephanie Borowicz, a Christian woman who mentions Jesus' name 13 times and the prayer goes on for around a minute-and-a-half. As a proud Catholic who has no problem sharing and talking about his love for Jesus, Gus thought it was perhaps a bit over-the-top.

Also, we re-air the Catholic Channel/SiriusXM Town Hall "Making the Movie: Unplanned," hosted by Gus and featuring the film's subject, pro-life advocate Abby Johnson.

1 comment

  • Jim: March 28, 2019

    We must all remember that our country was founded on Christian beliefs and values.
    More and more there is a push back on Christian prayer and to get Jesus out of the USA.
    HOWEVER, Muslims insist on constantly wearing their religious hijab in the workplace and insist they get work timeouts to pray 5 times a day.
    We as Christians must be bold about the religion that built America and stop apologizing for the word of God.
    When we agree to back off of our faith and continue to cut God out of America, we will lose America.
    Was Christ bold in his ministry, or should he have learned to keep quiet for Rome’s comfort???

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