Thursday, July 6, 2023

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Today is the feast of St. Maria Goretti. She was murdered at the age of 11 by a close family friend named Alessandro Serenelli who was nine years older. Catholic author and pilgrimage guide Bret Thoman breaks down the details of the horrible incident and its aftermath, which can be found in his book, "St. Maria Goretti: A Journey Into Forgiveness and Redemtpion." Maria died a day after the attack, all the while concerned more for Alessandro's soul more than her own. Still a minor under Italian law, he was sentenced to 30 years and served 27. Maria eventually appeared to him in a dream, which lead to his profound conversion. After his release, he reconciled with Maria's family and became a Capuchin lay brother where he lived out the remainder of his life, even attending St. Maria Goretti's canonization mass in 1950.
Later, Gus talks about today's First Reading where God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac on the mountain but ultimately stops him and rewards him for his faith and obedience. Gus understands how irreligious or non-religious people could misunderstand the moral of the story and asks people why they think God tested Abraham in this way and talk about whether or not God has ever tested them.
St. Maria Goretti, pray for us!


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