Thursday, February 9, 2023

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Gus tells his listeners that, even though he's been in radio for over 40 years, he still gets nervous before work, especially in the 30 minutes leading up to the show. He still has anxiety and gets butterflies in his stomach, etc. He admits that, today, he didn't come into the show with any specific topic in mind, which he usually does. He just wrote on his notepad, "God provides" and put it into action. He asks listeners to call in and share what this means, or has proven itself, to them.

Later, Gus is joined by Fr. Edward Looney who talks about his new book, "A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary" available from Sophia Institute Press." In it, he uses the Blessed Virgin Mary's overarching messages in her many apparitions over the centuries to guide us in our walk through Lent.


  • Marie Krebs: February 09, 2023

    I really enjoy listening to your podcast on my way to work. I am retired, but work a couple of days a week. Thanks for all you do to promote our Catholic faith! God Bless you and your family. My husband and I will be married 54 years in early August, and thank God each day for His blessings.

  • Matthew Adams: February 09, 2023

    I heard you read the Thomas Murton quote as I was driving into my work parking lot this morning. I can’t even describe the feeling I had because it was like the words were pulled right out of my heart.

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