Thursday, August 8, 2019

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Gus' youngest child, his son John, recently graduated from college and got his first job. He's now a high school mathematics teacher. Since it's John's first professional gig, Gus asks his listeners if they have any advice for him.

Also, last week, Gus read some disturbing statistics from the Pew Research Center that showed how only 50% of Catholics recognize the Church's teaching on the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. A few days ago, the PRC released another survey that showed that only 31% of Catholics agree with the teaching. Gus says that, although this sounds like bad news, we need to see this as an opportunity for greater evangelization. He gets listener response to that and the statistic.

1 comment

  • Will: August 09, 2019

    I didn’t hear anything about eucharistic adoration. This is something that really helps with forming confidence in the teaching of the church. I joined as an adult. Adoration was key. So often we underutilize the sacraments and services the church offers.

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