Thursday, August 29, 2024

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Gus talks today about the power of positive thinking. That was the title of a famous book written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale that he read as kid, which had a profound effect on him. Gus talks about how positive people can have a good effect on us and gives the example of his Uncle Neil who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer, but it didn’t damper his bright outlook on life. Gus asks listeners to call in and talk about somebody in their lives who has had a positive effect on them. Afterwards,  Gus continues with his Power of Positive Thinking theme by playing the audio version of Chapter 1 of his book “Magnetic Christianity: Using Your God Given Gifts to Build the Kingdom,” which is about Positivity.

Later, Bob Dunning calls in to talk with Gus about a number of sports-related issues, including Georgia Tech’s Week 0 upset of Florida State in Dublin, Ireland, boxing vs. MMA, Michigan’s cheating scandal and the negative effects of gambling on college sports.


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